Monday, October 12, 2009

Let's Start Meditation With Simple Explanation

. Monday, October 12, 2009

Because we live such difficult lives, learning how to meditate has been increasingly popular over time. But achieving the mental state of deep meditation is something that can take years of practice. As you study every word of this article will be amazed how this one simple technique can bring your own meditation practice in a whole new level.


Lets Start.....

Began by sitting in a chair with our feet flat on the floor. Keep your arms at your side or in your lap. Do not lean back in your chair. Instead, sit up. In this way you will not fall asleep. Then close your eyes. Once they are closed, focus on your hand. I'll just keep it up, just so you are not touching anything.

Ask yourself, as you will know your hand is there without looking at it or touching anything. Try to feel the internal feeling or knowing that your hand is really there. Feel his aliveness. Once you are there, you can put your hand down. Hold that state as long as possible. If you lose it, do not beat yourself about it. Just start back from scratch. Rinse and repeat.

At the beginning could only be able to hold this position for several seconds. But, by following this routine you will learn how to meditate. You will progress to be able to maintain this state for minutes at any time. You can even take up an hour late.
You now know a simple technique that can bring your own meditation practice in a whole new level. It is recommended that you do this for a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes every day. Pretty soon you will feel relaxed and calm, no matter how difficult your day will seem to others.


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