Saturday, October 3, 2009

With Yoga You Can Reduce Your Stress and Fat

. Saturday, October 3, 2009

Two great things that everyone knows about weight loss is diet and exercise. Many people do not realize that the level of stress in their life plays a major role in loss and gain weight.

If you are trying to lose belly fat you must decrease your stress. When you experience stress your body releases hormones and cortisol. Cortisol increases the fat that lies around your belly.

You can see the products that you can purchase to reduce your cortisol and apparently your fat tummy, but do not fall for it.

There are natural ways you can easily reduce your stress and feel better in your life, without any nasty side effects.

Get some sleep

In today's busy world everyone is trying to pack more and more every day. People are going to bed later and getting up earlier.

Sleep is a big part of being able to manage stress. If you do not get enough sleep your body is less able to manage stressful situations.

Another good night is at least 7 hours sleep. If that is not how much sleep you should try to go to bed a little earlier. This can make a world to reduce stress.

Take small breaks

Life and work can be very difficult. All the small things that get under our skin can be constructed by massive stress.

If you take small breaks throughout the day you will find you much better able to manage difficult situations when they come up.

A quick break can be something simple like taking 3 cleansing breaths every hour. Only deep breath through your nose. Deep breathing from your diaphram, and then blow it from your mouth.

You can also get and take a walk around the area you work or live in a quick walk and some fresh air will provide more oxygen to your brain and allow you to think clearly. Kjo gjithashtu do të marrë drejtimin e gjakut në trupin tuaj dhe të ndihmojë në qarkullimin e oksigjenit për gjithë trupin tuaj.


It was once a very airy fairy thing to do. Now Yoga is a general form of exercise and stress relief.

You can easily start your own yoga practice going to your local gym or yoga studio. You can also start doing Yoga from home. There is a wide range of DVDs available and you can often find Yoga programs in public television.


Meditation may seem scary to some folks who are not familiar with the process. Do not worry. You can do meditation in many ways. You can simply sit quietly with eyes closed. Deep breath and count your inhales and exhales. This is a very good way to start meditating.

If you lose count or find your mind is wandering, that's ok, just in a rehearsal to start again. Try to get to 30, or set a time alloted for your meditation.

Being able to sit quiet and calm during periods of calm will allow you to begin to sit calm and silent during more chaotic times.

Meditation has nothing to do with excellence, it about the process, so only the beginning, and do not worry about it "right".

You have 4 great ways to reduce stress. They will at least allow you to learn to better manage the stress you experience. There are many that you can not do about the stress that shows, but you have complete control over how you handle it.


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