Monday, September 14, 2009

How To Increase Our Memory

. Monday, September 14, 2009

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To keep me active during life requires more time and effort. What we usually refer to memory processes is in fact very different happens in the brain. There are two types of memory, is referred to as a short term and the other is long-term memory. These are completely separate interactive processes.

Only a percentage of short-term memory is converted into long-term memory storage. When shopping event in maintaining long-term memory, the brain synthesizes proteins for axon and dendrite streets after the decision that if the event is important enough to save? Hippocampus, cortex and frontal lobes are involved actively in maintaining, preserving and revitalizing the facts.

A key to building power of memory that can lat long will be able to relate to the fact the new old one. We can continue working and active memories. Imagine a situation that you are meeting and only you to see the vision of the company and you can get to boost it.

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There are numerous methods that can be applied to keep the memory active. A bored mind can be jolted activities becoming increasingly curious about things. This may provide an advantage and increase trust where others may refuse to trade. You can be there and will be able to talk to the brink of giving.

Another good method is to use mnemonics and helps memory.

You should make a habit to remember special things with their short form s, or return them in some meaningful thoughts. This will help you when you need to remember large amounts of information. In the end, you may have many letters that you can format the number of certain tone which can be remembered. And it can be easy to remember. You can remember only letters in your mind and you can remember all the information immediately. When you find it difficult to focus only feel happy for your time in the past, clothes that you really like, the best thing you've ever done and would not smile on your face it with faith and trust you will help get the concentration.

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Multiple emotions if they are happy or sad will help you to remember the scenes in memory. Emotions always aware of help to remember things too. Do not forget your happy times and to maintain sharp mental pictures of his. At the time of recall only back in the mood where you have saved pictures. To remember the long list of things in mind, this is a good method, especially when you go for shopping.

Organize approach craziest things and organize them as fish, boats, key, etc. Now, imagine a picture that went in between the sea and open with your hand key whale. Although this is crazy, but it will help you to remember things related dory and key. Try this right now and you will surely remember things associated with it.


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