Monday, September 14, 2009

How to Open your Third Eye

. Monday, September 14, 2009

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Chakra more important to open first when you get a kundalini meditation practice is the Third Eye Chakra. Third Eye Chakra is also called the Ajan and is dry knowledge, intuition and psychic powers. The reason for focusing on opening the first center is internal guidelines in order to begin to flow and thus, help you with the rest of your spiritual practice and evolution.

There are many excellent meditation techniques for opening the third eye and in this article I would like to introduce you to three of them. These three techniques have been used successfully for centuries to open and balance the third eye and thus,
extract the benefits that such activation produces.
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1. AUM Mantra Chanting:

First meditation technique for opening the third eye meditation AUM mantra. This method exploits the use of healthy seeds to open a special center. Healthy seeds of Chakra Ajna is sound AUM. Chanting this directly affects voice center and causes it to activate and open.

To exercise this right technique down to close your eyes and to cheer loudly sound AUM. Make a sound long "OOOOOOOOOOOOO" and finish with a shorter "MMMMMM". In addition, Mantra chanting, keep your attention fixed at the center of your forehead. This is the third eye place and take part in this region will further increase the effectiveness of this mediation.

2. Silver Hammer tapping.

Another powerful method for opening the third eye, is to be using silver hammer technique. In this meditation, you will again use the power of focusing attention on the center of the forehead, and will couple with the following breathing pattern.

For this meditation, rest until your sixteenth inhalation sniffs small, and with every wind forecast a small silver hammer tapping the center of your forehead. Keep sniffs too small so you can make sixteen to complete a suffocation. After you complete submergence, out in a breath and then repeat model.

Sixteen number is linked to downtown so it is important to control your breathing to allow for sixteen sniffs.

3. Alternate nostril breathing:

A third technique which can be used to activate the center is an alternative method of breathing nostril. For this meditation, after breathing pattern below.

Close your nostril breathing in the right and long, deep and slow through the left nostril. Also remember the spirit that traveling in a straight line from the nostril in the center of the forehead. Then close the left nostril and exhale slowly to the right, this time visualizing the air leaving from the center of the forehead and nostril. Keeping the left nostril closed, inhale with right now and then close the right and exhale through the left. All the time as making visualization.

You can start with ten rounds first and then build from there. This is a very powerful technique and you should not overdo it initially. Make sure that you are not doing more than you can handle comfortably at any time.
Meditation Meditate - Meditation Breathing - Vipassana Meditation - Mindfulness Meditation - Relaxation Meditation - Buddhist Meditation - Loving Kindness Meditation - Meditation Inner Peace


So you have tried three times, powerful techniques for opening the all important third eye chakra. Once this center is open you will have the power to see the unseen and know the unknown.
Meditation Meditate - Meditation Breathing - Vipassana Meditation - Mindfulness Meditation - Relaxation Meditation - Buddhist Meditation - Loving Kindness Meditation - Meditation Inner Peace


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