Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Best Techniques for Meditation

. Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Meditation Meditate - Meditation Breathing - Vipassana Meditation - Mindfulness Meditation - Relaxation Meditation - Buddhist Meditation - Loving Kindness Meditation - Meditation Inner Peace
No doubt great news so far of the benefits of meditation must have reached you. Study after study have been empirically Karma what the ancient masters have been saying for generations, there is nothing quite as meditation. Meditation is good for your mind, body and soul, but what kind of meditation should practice in order to pass these wonderful benefits? This is the topic of this article.

Of all the various thinking techniques that exist, the following are the top 3.

1. Zen Meditation Technique:

One of the techniques of meditation is the largest of Lord Buddha, Zen Buddhist Meditation Technique or Zazen. This technique was made by Lord Buddha and is the heart of Zen Buddhist practice. It is based on the concentration in spirit and is a silent, seated meditation.

Beginners should start practice Zazen sitting up right and still counting their breaths from one to ten. Count each inhalation and exhalation, beginning with one and when you get to ten, in a start again. If at any time your mind wanders away and you lose count, gently bring your attention back and start again in a spirit.

As you get more proficient with this method, you can go and just start counting to participate in respiration. Normally it takes to at least six months or more (may take years) to move forward in this version. Do not worry though, all along thinking will work for you, helping to uplift and to increase the level of consciousness and awareness.

2. Mantra Meditation Technique:

Meditation Mantra forms the heart of religion is Hindu and effectiveness has also been proved by centuries of successful implementation. In mantra meditation, you pick a mantra that suits you and then repeat it mentally or out loud constantly. This technique, as Zen meditation, will help develop your concentration, mental focus and awareness.

A mantra meditations best Hum Mantra Meditation is so. In this version, how do you suck soooo good, and how do you sound out Hummm. So Hum This means I am. This means that you and divinity are one. This mantra is great for opening the center and allowing your heart to unconditional love flowing.

3. Chakra Meditation Technique:

The third technique better rationale for the issuance of large enjoy the benefits of meditation is the Chakra Meditation. There are several types of chakra meditation and here I will go to those most used.

Chakras are considered energy vortexes which when balanced result for you physically and emotionally balanced. Different technique seems to open chakra meditation and balance by using these attributes that chakras are vortexes. Here are two methods commonly used to open and balance chakras.

1. Focus on Chakra Point: The first method you can use to activate a chakra is focusing on its physical location in the body. As you focus on the place, you bring energy awareness there, which then works to open the center of power.

2. Chakra Mantra Meditation: Associated with each chakra has a certain sound, or beej mantra. Chanting this need is a way to direct and strong to open and balance that particular center. A word of caution with chakra meditation is that it should not open these centers very strongly or quickly. The slow and steady is the name of the game.


So you have three best techniques to explore meditation, learn and benefit from. I hope you embrace this wonderful science and I hope that helps you reach your full potential in life.
Meditation Meditate - Meditation Breathing - Vipassana Meditation - Mindfulness Meditation - Relaxation Meditation - Buddhist Meditation - Loving Kindness Meditation - Meditation Inner Peace


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